Hello! I am a passionate educator who values inspiring young minds and believes in the education of the whole person.
I see through challenging situations, and strive to meet each child where they are. I hope that families feel a true sense of partnership with me, and that students are excited to see what is in store for them each day.
I enjoy building relationships and I believe deeply in learning about what makes each student an individual. I bring a unique level of insight and patience to my practice that are born from my own experiences as a parent of a child with special needs, and I am enthusiastic and optimistic in persevering to find the right strategy and tool for each student to reach their full potential.
Nina Sweet
Educational Philosophy
I believe that...
Learning Environment
Fast Finisher Stations
In my classroom, I prioritize creating an inclusive space where every student feels valued, respected, and included, regardless of their background or abilities. I am dedicated to fostering a safe and warm environment that promotes active engagement and hands-on learning experiences, encouraging students to explore, experiment, and collaborate with their peers.
Engaging Experiences
Inclusive Materials
The goal of my classroom management plan is to cultivate a positive and nurturing environment. My plan is cemented in the establishment of routines, procedures, conflict resolution strategies, and fostering collaboration among students.
In order to create a supportive atmosphere, structure and predictability play a large role, which allows students to develop a sense of security and to deeply understand their expectations within the classroom. Policies and procedures are explicitly taught and consistently reinforced with the hope of empowering students to take ownership and show responsibility. Open lines of communication with families is crucial to forming a strong partnership that promote shared goals .
Classroom Management Plan
Science Lesson Plans
In a third grade science lesson, the students learned about traits. After drawing a self-portrait, we defined traits and created an anchor chart listing various traits found in our class. Literacy was incorporated with a reading passage, and we watched a video on traits. The students used the passage to respond to reflection questions. Classroom discussion explored how traits vary among a population, and the students tasted PTC paper to experience this phenomenon. I integrated math by having the class graph the results of observable traits found among their peers.
Synopses of Science, Literacy, and Technology Integration
Science Lesson Plans
Math Lesson Plans
In a third grade math class, the students were introduced to the concept of perimeter. In this five lesson unit plan, I created lessons that incorporated movement, manipulatives, and technology. Using direct instruction, guided practice, and independent practice in small groups, the students progressed from being able to describe perimeter, to being able to find perimeter to determinining the length of unknown sides. In the last two lessons, the students represented rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas, and the same area and different perimeters.
3rd Grade Perimeter 5-Lesson Unit Plan
Fraction Friends from a Fraction Unit in the 3rd Grade
ELA Lesson Plans
In this third grade Grammar lesson, students actively participated in a task scoot after working through a whole-group mini lesson on irregular past tense verbs. Students identified the correct form of the past tense verb, and came back together in small groups to develop several sentences using irregular past tense verbs.
2nd Grade RTI Lesson Plan
In a second grade RTI small group lesson, I used the Sonday System to teach a phonics lesson on fl/pl consonant blends. These lessons build upon each other and follow the same predicable format for each lesson. We begin with letter sounds, move onto encoding the letter that makes a given sound, then reading words in isolation, encoding dictated words after touch-spelling, and learning new material, and finishing with reading aloud.
3rd Grade ELA Grammar Lesson Plan
Classroom Gallery
Evidence-based instructional strategies such as think-pair-share, problem-based learning, inquiry-based learning, collaborative projects, differentiated instruction, and various methods of feedback allow me to provide diverse approaches to engage students in active learning.
Engaging Science Activities
Reflection Exercises
Evidence Based Strategies
Collaborative Work
To see more images of classroom activities and student artifacts, please click here.
Niagara University
M.S. Early Childhood & Childhood Education
Awarded May 2023
New York State Teacher's Certifications
(expected August 2023)
Stella Niagara Education Park
Resume & Letters of Recommendation
Click On Each Graphic to View
Swim Team
I have coached the swim team at Stella Niagara Education Park since 2021. The team, open to grades 1-8, competes in the Neumann Catholic Swim League against schools all over Niagara and Erie County. In addition to learning the technical elements of the strokes, my practices focus on team building, sportsmanship, peer-mentoring, and safety. Under my tutelage, students have earned times in the top 10 in the league of over 500 athletes each year, and Stella Niagara won the 8 and Under Division Championship in 2022.
Community Involvement
After-school clubs provide students with valuable opportunities for extracurricular engagement and personal growth. They offer a diverse range of activities and interests, allowing students to explore their passions, develop new skills, and build lasting friendships in a supportive and enriching environment. I have organized and overseen several clubs in the past two years, including Mindfulness Club, Coloring Club, Storybook Stem Club, and Tutoring Club. I developed each club with specific age groups in mind and collaborated with faculty to ensure all students had a place to go before our extended-care program begins. Additionally, I am the Sound Technician for our 2023 Drama Club Production.
I spearhead the Advent Committee, and the Spirit Day Committee, and sit on a committee that is redeveloping our school handbook and disciplinary policy. I implemented a school-wide benchmarking program for reading, assessing our 1st-3rd grades using Dibels 8th.
Extra Credit
I live with my husband and my two children in Youngstown, where I was born and raised, save for a quick decade spent in NYC and Boston.
In addition to teaching and coaching, I serve on the House Committee at the NFCC and have served on the Board of Directors at the YYC. I am also Vice President of the Parent Partnership at Stella Niagara, and serve on the planning committee for the annual Can-Am (former Level) Regatta.
In my spare time, I enjoy skiing, sailing, and reading a good book!
"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."
William Butler Yeats
Email Address: nina.m.sweet@gmail.com
Phone Numbe: 716-345-0692